Personal Development Courses
Choose from +23 courses with new additions published every months
Trust Building and Resilience Development
Trust Building and Resilience Development
10+ hours
62 lectures
Adult Learner: Mental Skills
Adult Learner: Mental Skills
10+ hours
62 lectures
Anger Management
Anger Management
12+ hours
72 lectures
Adult Learning - Physical Skills
Adult Learning - Physical Skills
10+ hours
62 lectures
Attention Management
Attention Management
10+ hours
63 lectures
How to Become a More Likeable Boss
How to Become a More Likeable Boss
10+ hours
62 lectures
Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
12+ hours
72 lectures
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
12+ hours
72 lectures
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
10+ hours
63 lectures
Improving Mindfulness
Improving Mindfulness
10+ hours
62 lectures
Improving Self Awareness
Improving Self Awareness
10+ hours
62 lectures
Increasing Your Happiness
Increasing Your Happiness
10+ hours
62 lectures
Job Search Skills
Job Search Skills
10+ hours
62 lectures
Life Coaching Essentials
Life Coaching Essentials
10+ hours
62 lectures
Managing Personal Finance Skills
Managing Personal Finance Skills
10+ hours
62 lectures
Managing Workplace Anxiety
Managing Workplace Anxiety
12+ hours
72 lectures
Personal Productivity
Personal Productivity
9+ hours
56 lectures
Public Speaking Skills
Public Speaking Skills
9+ hours
54 lectures
Social Intelligence
Social Intelligence
10+ hours
62 lectures
Social Learning Essentials
Social Learning Essentials
10+ hours
62 lectures
Stress Management
Stress Management
9+ hours
55 lectures
Identifying and Taking Initiative
Identifying and Taking Initiative
10+ hours
62 lectures
Work-Life Balance
Work-Life Balance
10+ hours
62 lectures