Women in Leadership


In the world today, women make up half of the workforce. Unfortunately for women, their male colleagues are promoted at a much higher rate. Women offer great work ethics and bring something different from men to the workforce, but many times it goes unnoticed.  In this workshop, you will learn about how organizations can develop women leaders, about the benefits of women in organizations, as well as advancements for the future of women. You will learn how women in the workplace cannot only benefit the women themselves but also your organization as well.

With the Women in Leadership course, you will learn how women are changing the workforce. Through this course, you will gain a new perspective on the workforce, and what benefits can come from hiring and promoting women to higher positions.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
    • Course Objectives ..
  • module 1
    • Women and the Workforce ..
    • 50% of the Population ..
    • 60% of College Degree Earners ..
    • 47% of the US Workforce ..
    • 52% of Professional Jobs ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 2
    • The Leadership Gap ..
    • Women are Underrepresented in Leadership ..
    • Women in Executive Positions ..
    • Women in Finance, Health Care, and Law ..
    • Historical Trends ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 3
    • Barriers to Women’s Leadership ..
    • Gender Differences are Overemphasized ..
    • Gender Differences are Undervalued ..
    • Women Lack Professional Networks ..
    • Work and Family Conflict ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 4
    • Traits of Women’s Management ..
    • Women Lead by Uniting Diverse Groups ..
    • Women Value Work-Life Balance ..
    • Women Value Interpersonal Relationships ..
    • Women Value Accountability ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 5
    • Benefits of Women’s Leadership ..
    • Greater Collaboration ..
    • Culture of Work-Life Balance ..
    • Culture of Accountability ..
    • Assists in Recruiting Millennials ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 6
    • Nurture Women’s Leadership ..
    • Actively Recruit Women ..
    • Create and Encourage Networking Opportunities ..
    • Pair Women with Mentors in Leadership ..
    • Create and Encourage Training Opportunities ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 7
    • Actively Recruit Women ..
    • Discover Your Barriers to Hiring ..
    • Discover Your Barriers to Retention ..
    • Recruit via Women’s Organizations ..
    • Create and Promote a Woman-Friendly Culture ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 8
    • Encourage Networking Opportunities ..
    • Create a Women’s Networking Group ..
    • Encourage Women to Join Organizations ..
    • Networking Builds Confidence ..
    • Networking and Recruiting ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 9
    • Pair Women with Mentors ..
    • Benefits of Mentoring ..
    • Think Creatively ..
    • Incorporate Mentoring at Every Stage ..
    • Encourage Women to Mentor ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 10
    • Create Educational Opportunities ..
    • Encourage the Learning of Leadership Skills ..
    • Internal Programs and Trainings ..
    • Outside Training and Workshops ..
    • Encourage Training at Every Stage of the Career ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Assessment
    • Post Test ..